A diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is common enough in modern times. With increased awareness among doctors, teachers and parents, many children today are getting diagnosed. However, diagnosis is simply the first step. For parents of a child with ADHD, this is just the beginning of a long, and often, arduous journey. With little knowledge and plenty of misconceptions, parents find themselves running from school counsellor to psychiatrist, to alternative medicine healers to behaviour modification experts. In the process, there is confusion and helplessness, and often enough, parents tend to give up.
The sole purpose of this book is to help parents in this journey. Using simple language, plenty of examples, and illustrations, we aim to educate parents about what ADHD is all about, how the diagnosis is made, what aspect of the child’s life will get impacted. Most importantly, it hopes to provide parents with a clear road map of how parents can manage their child and his disorder in the best possible manner, so that raising the child continues to remain the joy it should be, and not become a burden.
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